Flick Screen Off v1.0.4

Name: Flick Screen Off
Version: 1.0.4
Size: 190 KB
Updated: June 19, 2012
Andorid 2.2 and Up
Developers: iMxS
Flick The screen Off constitute easy way to turn off the screen if you difficult to press the power button mobile phone.

You can turn off the movie screen (throw) from the outer to the inner side of the screen.
Even if you use other applicaiton, no need to go back to the home screen. What is important is the wags alone.
And furthermore, this application has the effect of animated films react with you. Color animation effects can be selected from 8 colors, or disable.
Areas that detects operation films can be selected from the 6.
Sensitivity can be adjusted when the film reacts deliberately, while operating other applications.

This app puts a small transparent window on the edge of the screen, to detect the operation of the film. Therefore, the operation of the tap loses its effect mostly in the area. However, I think that it is uninfluential in almost all applications because the area is very small.
To uninstall the application, it is necessary to disable the device administrator in advance.

[about licensing]
This application has the following permissions:
- android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW
In order to seek the views of the lining of the operating system to detect the film.
- android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETE
In order to start automatically when the machine starts.
Flick Screen Off v1.0.4Flick Screen Off v1.0.4

Site: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.skr.imxs.flickscreenoff
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